29.10.2021, 13:58 - Views: 435

Kazakh scientists vizited the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology

Kazakh scientists vizited the Institute of Philosophy and SociologyKumishkhodjaev Erbol Serikbaevich, head of the Information and Management Department of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Shagirbay Almasbek Duysenbekuly, leading researcher of the institute and Shintemirova Bakhit Sadvakasovna, expert of the center visited ANAS Institute of Philosophy and Sociology.
Director of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Ph.D., Professor Ilham Mammadzadeh expressed satisfaction with seeing the guests at the Institute. Giving detailed information to the guests about the scientific activity of the institute, I. Mammadzadeh spoke about the activity of the enterprise in the field of international relations.
During the meeting, a memorandum on expanding future scientific cooperation was signed between the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan.
Also, taking into account the common culture and common religion between the two republics, information was provided on the development of political science and theology in the Republic of Kazakhstan. an exchange of views took place.
Expressing satisfaction with their stay here, the guests thanked the management of the institute for the hospitality and noted that joint scientific cooperation would be beneficial for both institutions.
Kazakh scientists vizited the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology