31.05.2022, 11:48 - Views: 478

A presentation of a book dedicated to national leader Heydar Aliyev was held in Khirdalan

A presentation of a book dedicated to national leader Heydar Aliyev was held in KhirdalanOn May 12, 2022, the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of ANAS together with the Centralized Library System of Absheron region located in Khirdalan city published a book "Skilled politician, wise leader" by Mammadaga Sardarov, former leading researcher of the Institute, doctor of philosophy in political sciences, associate professor, pensioner living in Khirdalan held a presentation.
Director of the library, poetess Malahat Yusifgizi stressed that the initiative of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology in connection with this presentation was a good opportunity for young readers to meet with scientists of our country, thanked the Director General of the Institute, Professor Ilham Mammadzade and the staff.
In the presentation, the Executive Director of the Institute, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Eynulla Madatli gave detailed information about the book dedicated to the Great Leader by Mammadaga Sardarov, Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science, Associate Professor. He spoke about his creative activity, emphasizing that the Great Leader has left a deep mark on the hearts of every Azerbaijani.