31.05.2022, 11:43 - Views: 437

Training on promoting religious tolerance and multiculturalism was held among young people

Training on promoting religious tolerance and multiculturalism was held among young peopleTraining on promotion of religious tolerance and multiculturalism among young people was organized with the support of the NGO Agency, organized by the Center for Social and Psychological Research Public Union, in partnership with Ireli Public Union.
Opening the training, senior researcher of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of ANAS, Doctor of Philosophy Aydin Alizadeh touched upon the approach of society in religion and multiculturalism, as well as state and religion relations.
Leading researcher of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of ANAS, Doctor of Philosophy Radif Mustafayev spoke about the existing experience and opportunities, the work of socio-psychological rehabilitation of religious consciousness among young people, the promotion of religious tolerance and multiculturalism.
Training on promoting religious tolerance and multiculturalism was held among young people
Training on promoting religious tolerance and multiculturalism was held among young people