22.12.2021, 09:32 - Views: 385

The Institute of Philosophy and Sociology gave an annual report

The Institute of Philosophy and Sociology gave an annual reportThe next meeting of the scientific council of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) was held. The meeting was opened by the Director General of the Institute, Doctor of philosophical sciences, Professor Ilham Mammadzadeh, who informed about the current issues.
Then, the scientific secretary of the Institute, Ph.D., Sevinj Hasanova reported on the scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the scientific Institution for 2021:
In accordance with the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on declaring 2021 the "Year of Nizami Ganjavi", 3 international conferences were held:
1. "Philosophical problems of Nizami's heritage", April 12, 2021
2. “Dialogue of cultures and Nizami's philosophical heritage” within the readings of Heydar Aliyev - June 14, 2021
3. "Philosophical view of Nizami's heritage and universal values", November 16-17, 2021
1 Republican Conference was held:
"Nizami Ganjavi phenomenon in world cultures", March 4, 2021.
2 monographs - a monograph entitled "Social and cultural values in the worldview of Nizami Ganjavi" by a researcher of the department "Problems of modern philosophy", Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy Elmira Tahmazova and a collective monograph entitled "Philosophical views and universal values in the heritage of Nizami."
- 10 articles in scientific publications and 30 media, 30 conference materials (3 foreign), speeches at 25 conferences.
II. In accordance with the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the prominent scientist Lutfizade" 3 monographs (1 abroad) Ph.D., prof. Arif Buniyatov's monograph "Application of the concept of fuzzy logic in the transmission of spatial-content information", collective monograph "Philosophy in the pandemic and the fuzzy logic of Lotfi Zadeh" and Director General of the Institute, Ph.D., prof. Ilham Mammadzade and Ph.D., prof. Monographs "Logical and methodological bases of the concept of fuzzy logic in the context of philosophy of science" co-authored by Arif Buniyatov.
1 international conference was held:
- "Philosophical and ethnological bases and application criteria of fuzzy logic theory".
In addition, there are 3 general institute seminars, 1 "Artificial Intelligence" Electronic Almanac, 25 articles in scientific publications, 15 foreign conference materials, speeches at 20 conferences.
II. Work done in connection with the implementation of decisions and orders of the Presidium of ANAS:
1. Conference "Professor Midhat Agamirov and his philosophical heritage" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the famous philosopher, Professor Midhat Agamirov;
2. Scientific conference on "Karabakh and national philosophical heritage" dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the corresponding member of ANAS Zakir Mammadov by the decision of the Scientific Council of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences;
3. Scientific conference on "Philosophy, ideology and culture" dedicated to the anniversary of corresponding member of ANAS Sevda Mammadaliyeva.
During the reporting period, 138 scientific research works on 2 scientific directions, 4 problems, 15 topics were carried out at the Institute. In 2021, as a result of scientific research, the staff of the Institute published 24 monographs, including 4 abroad (1 is a collective monograph), 2 collections and 1 electronic almanac, 7 books, 1 textbook, 2 programs, 430 articles and conference abstracts (95 articles and conference abstracts were published abroad, 8 articles in impact factor journals, 198 articles in mass media) and the staff of the Institute made 90 reports at conferences abroad.
The following can be mentioned as important results applied in 2021 at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of ANAS:
1. The monograph "Heydar Aliyev and Ilham Aliyev: stability, powerful state and philosophy of victory" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev;
2. Collective monograph "Poetry of Nasimi - the anthem of man Synthesis of spiritual and cultural values of the East and West."